29th January 2021. Edition One. In this edition:
President's Message, Clean up Australia,
BCCT Annual General Meeting 2021,
Beecroft Station Upgrade,
Wongala Crescent Shopping Centre,
181-183 Beecroft Rd. Child Care Centre,
99 Copeland Rd. Demolition of Dwelling
Newsletter from Julian Leeser MP,
Letter from Vince del Gallego,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President Welcome to 2021! I hope everyone had a
safe and enjoyable new year. Fingers crossed 2021 will be better than
2020. I took a break from Trust matters over the past month, so there
are a number of matters that will require the Trust’s attention. One of
my priorities is to have a meeting with our State Member Dominic
Perrottet on the former haulage road issue next to Cheltenham Oval, and
the M2 noise issue.
Three significant Development Applications have recently been lodged
with Hornsby Council. As with the start of every year January and
February are fairly quiet but March is full on. The Trust is planning to
hold its AGM on Monday night March 15th with Clean Up Australia
(Beecroft and Cheltenham for us) on the first Sunday in March. Details
are below.
Please keep safe from this Covid-19. Personally, I sense the vaccine
rollout will not be the panacea people around the world are hoping, and
wishing for. Quietly I’m just so glad I’m living in Australia.
Clean Up Australia 2021 The
Trust has once again registered the Beecroft Village Green for Clean Up
Australia (CUA). In your diaries put Sunday morning 7th
March 2021, 9am to about midday. As in past years the picnic table
next to the children’s playground will be used as the meeting place and
to drop off the collected rubbish. The usual protocols will apply, such
as children to be accompanied by adults and participants should wear
sensible footwear, gloves and a hat. Collection bags will be provided.
All welcome.
Clean Up Australia 2019
2021 Annual General Meeting March 15th
The Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust will hold its 2021 AGM on Monday night March 15th at the Beecroft Presbyterian Hall, located between Mary and Welham Streets Beecroft, commencing 7.30pm.
It is a large hall and hopefully we will be able to conduct a proper meeting instead of a virtual meeting.
Beecroft Station Upgrade CLICK HERE for important information about upcoming work at Beecroft Station as part of the Transport Access Program.
For further information on the project, please CLICK HERE or call the Project Infoline on
1800 684 490 or email projects@transport.nsw.gov.au.
5 Wongala Crescent Beecroft shopping centre. Demolition of shops and 6 storey Commercial and Residential complex. A
Development Application has been lodged with Hornsby Council for a 6
storey mixed commercial and residential development that will replace
the small group of shops and its carpark facing 4 Wongala Crescent.
The plans can be viewed at CLICK HERE. If you wish to comment on the DA, you can email Council at DevMail@hornsby.nsw.gov.au The Trust has yet to make an objection.
181-183 Beecroft Road Cheltenham. Review of refused DA for Child Care Centre The
Development Application for a child care centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd
Cheltenham (at the corner of Cheltenham Rd) was refused last October by
the Local Planning Panel. The applicant has made some changes to the
refused DA and has requested a review. The plans can be viewed at CLICK HERE
While the exhibition period has now closed, if you are concerned about
this proposal, the Trust recommends that you still submit comments to
Council at DevMail@hornsby.nsw.gov.au The Trust’s objection can be viewed at CLICK HERE.
99 Copeland Road Beecroft. Demolition of the original dwelling and 4 lot subdivision Tucked
in behind the extensive gardens stands the 110 year old dwelling called
Strathallan, the sister house to Rowallan that was demolished as part
of the seniors development at 97 Copeland Road. The DA proposes to
demolish the old home and subdivide the surrounding grounds. While the
exhibition period has now closed, if you are concerned about this
proposal, the Trust recommends that you still submit comments to Council
at DevMail@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
The Trust’s objection can be viewed at CLICK HERE.
Julian Leeser MP. Newsletter dated January 21st2021 The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Councillor Vince del Gallego's Letter.
Cherrybrook’s proposed library. As
a background, Cherrybrook, like Beecroft and Cheltenham, is part of C
Ward and Councillor Vince Del Gallego is one of our Hornsby C Ward
Councillors. Vince stood as an independent at the last local government
elections and succeeded in being elected with Councillor Emma Heyde and
Councillor Michael Hutchence.
Vince has been very supportive of the local constituents living in Cherrybrook.
Hornsby Council is proposing a new library in Cherrybrook, to
effectively replace Epping library that was transferred to Parramatta
City Council as part of the council amalgamation process.
It is important that C Ward residents are aware of issues elsewhere
within the Ward so you have a better informed position at local
government elections this coming September. CLICK HERE for Cr Del Gallego’s Letter. The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives.
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HERE for
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2021 become due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.